Saturday, 5 September 2015

Poem :" Please, Be Patient" .

Please, Be Patient !

- Wait for the flowers till they get up from the womb .
- They will be awake , and will capture your sight .
You will be rewarded .
- The sight of the growing flowers will take you to another level of dreaming .
- Another way to live you life .
- More times of happiness, hope so .
- Just visit the fields after the rain come down .
- And see the seeds cracking .
- Live the moments slowly.
- Take care of every detail you see.
- The ones you miss, will be missed all your life .
- You will regret it hardly.
- Draw the memories with bright colors, and smooth hand.
- Do you want more? take it easy, it will give you more than you can remember .
- But, You can't rush the rain .
-All you can do is just waiting ,
- So please, be patient .

-  Feed your curiosity by looking behind the dark glass.
- What could be more beautiful than a flower knocking the window .
- You will be happy again .
- You will smile the longest .
- Is that the flower you always dreamed about.
- The whole story in one smile .
- Smell the perfume .
- Hold it carefully, it is fragile.
- So that what you can get.
- So please, be patient.
- I will be patient, as much it i can.
- But don't be bothered if I don't wait the rain.
- I can water the seeds myself .
- I can grow you in my hands.
- Leave yourself for me .
- And live the moments .

Dr.Osama Aljarrarh 6/9/2015

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

poem:"Don't look back dear . "

Don't Look Back Dear !


Hard decisions have to be taken sometimes .
You just step hard and close  your eyes .
Your ship moves alone .
And when you open them again .
You realize what you have done .
Where the wind just take the ship .
No way to get back .

Hopes what remain .
The prayers that God's mercy took the lead .
It was right or wrong .
Doesn't matter now, it happened .
So don't look back dear .
Just try to forget what happened .
You just found yourself here, crawl out the womb .
Through the unwanted luggage away , raise your sails and move.

Life is a one way road .
Whatever turns you take , you can't drive back .
So dear don't look back .
You know where the beginning was , because it is from the past .
But you don't know when or where is the end.
Will you hit your goals !
Are you going to reach your destination !
No one can tell . Just hope so , and keep moving .

Hopes alone won't work .
And Goals will not get closer , so you need to move .
I think it is better to die on the right road .
It will mean something, you tried . 
Giving up will not add thing but loss  .
Same as looking back .
Both will not add thing but sadness, tears and weakness .

Are you learning from looking back !
Does it make you tougher !.
For me, it is not. same for you as I think .
So be born today .
Focus on the next goal and move.
May God strengthen my vision, so I can see my goal comes closer and take the right turns .

Osama Aljarrah 28/7/2015


Friday, 6 March 2015

Poem :"I Have Conditions"

I Have Conditions

I'm writing down my conditions ..
Trying to guide myself back to the route ..
The way between fiction and reality ..
A narrow road climbing up the steep hill of faith .. 
Realizing that ruling again wont be an easy ..
Reaching the summit will always prove one thing ..
I can do it my way ..

By my conditions , the constitution of love I've made ..
Although I wrote the a long two chapters in the beginning ..
I skipped them with you ..
I don't need to know you more ..
It needs a moment with myself ..
Cause I found that we are the same ..
We are the same side of the same coin ..
If I miss you that much, I take a look in the mirror ..
I see your face in mine , the shine of your eyes in mine ..
It just make things more tolerable ..

I skipped the second chapter, too..
A long boring chapter about searching things in common ..
And to put them under spotlights ..
I can't find anything uncommon ..
I have a confession to make ..
It wasn't my decision to skip those chapters ..
It wasn't the mind, I'm pretty sure..
The heart said its word ..

My heart word was you ..
I believe in him more than anything else..
I followed him to dark caves, how come I don't follow him to the light ..
A spark has lighted the hill road ..
I going up ..
With the sum of all forces in the world ..
The force of love ..
I have conditions, but forget about them  ..

7/3/2015 Dr.Osama Aljarrah