Monday, 1 September 2014

Poem: " Once Upon A Time There Was A Swan "

Once Upon A Time There Was A Swan ...

- It was a matter of time for her to realize that she  feels lonely ..
- In the blue lake of faithfulness ..
- She finds herself not feeling good about what happened ..
- She Don't want to remember that again ..
- Being away from others was intentional ..
- And Loneliness was baked on the fire of sadness ..
- Tough decisions always made by the time of profound sadness or happiness ..
- This time Sadness rules ..
- No one feels you, Cause your gates kept closed ..

- Time to have a look behind the walls ..
- Time to get out of that lake and get dry ..
- And time to feel that you are not alone ..
- Just use your wings again and try to fly ..
- One night you will have that dream again ..
- You will realize that as soon as it is ready ..
- For now , just live the moment ..
- Play your favorite ballet music and dance ..
- Be the white Swan the all know ..
- A queen that rues two kingdoms ..
- The heart, feel love in each beat ..
- The mind, be in every dream ..
- Visit him again every night ..
- You are the pure love ..
- Do it your way, and let you rule ..
- No time for sadness, it is the truth ..
- You will find your happiness again in another lake ..
- And show them how elegance, pure, balance,emotional you are ..
- Swan be yourself again and be the messenger of love and peace ..
- May God bless your soul my Swan ..

Dr.Osama Aljararha ,,, 1st of September. 2014

This poem is dedicated to my friend Ehab Altaweel .. he is a talented painter .. and I say to him you are really gifted and continue like that ... keep it up :D  .. His painting is here I named it for him as " White Swan " ..

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Poem: "Can I find myself again ! "

Can I find myself again !

Can it be darker ! or that is it ..
I'm not going around myself so the dark side can see the sun ..
I'm just facing the darkness ..
And giving my back to the sun ..
I can do it for myself from time to time ..
Maybe I need these times ..
So i can get some sleep ..
I want to close my eyes  ..
I want my dreams back ..
Nothing clear ..
Nothing truthful ..

Don't get closer and don't force me to turn my face ..
The sun again will harm my eyes ..
I wont stand it again ..

Maybe I need more time to make this move ..
I should wait and wait ..
So Is it like the moon !..
It has it is dark side that had never seen the sun ..
Or it is like earth we have day and night ..

Give me your hand ..
I want you to touch my face ..
You wont see anything in darkness only you can feel and hear ..
Move your fingers along the road of tears ..
Can you feel how rough it is ?!..
Can you feel the sadness all over the face ?!..
Only you can make me turn over and see the sun gain ..
I do believe in that ..
Just cover my eyes with your fingers and I will turn ..
Don't move your fingers away in a hurry, but do it slowly ..

 Finding myself again is the journey of life ..
Would you help darling ?!

Just be my campus ..

And lead my way ..

You can be my sun ..

                                                                                    Or just make me find my sun ..

Dr Osama Al-Jararhih 16/7/2014

Saturday, 31 May 2014

Poem :" If we don't end war, war will end us "

" If we don't end war, war will end us "

Look me in the eyes you freedom-bird ..
You are looking to a man who has just been hit ..
You are looking to a man who bleeds to death ..
To a land grew fear instead of trees ..
To a place where greed rules ..
I would pay every blood drop just to let you live ..
Stay alive freedom-bird even in the dreams of the prisoners ..

What news you are carrying?! ..
The war has just begun behind the lines ..
Are they looking for freedom dear friend ? ..
Do they want to live with some dignity ?...
Is that all ?  
I think they are calling for their rights ..
What!! Say it loudly my friend ..
They were killed for that ..
What a shame ! and what are you doing for that ?!
Nothing !!!! nobody is doing anything for that ,,

we are all watching .. ..
I can't walk to their my friend ..
I told you I'm bleeding heavily ..
I have minutes no more
I'm spending my last moments talking to you the freedom- bird..
Talking about the previous war .. and the next war ..
The same dear, believe me ..
More killing more blood .. more signs will be lifted ..

War is eating all ..
Even that smile on the kids face . has lost their way back ..
Never leave them my friend ..
If they lost their smile .. they deserve their freedom instead ..
War should come to an end ..
And the roses should grow again ..
You should return to your nest my friend ..
Hope things go fast ..
I don't want to suffer more  ..
My death is just the beginning ..
I go .. but the idea stays ..

By Dr Osama Aljarrah 1/6/2014 

(( Special thanks to the brilliant artist whom I respect a lot Mr. Delawer Omar .. He carries a noble ideas about stopping the suffer of our brothers and sisters in Syria . And he put those ideas in his paintings ..   Thanks a lot my friend for this opportunity to do this  co-work  .. ))

Saturday, 29 March 2014

Poem: " It Looks Small "

It Looks Small

When you look at a mountain from a plan ..
It looks small ..
But when you get down there ..
You will see the real thing what looks like ..
It needs days to reach the summit ..
When you see a man sitting on his chair ..
Turning the pages of an old paper ..
Don't think that he is fool ..
Or he is trying to loose time ..
Don't be judgmental till you get there ..
Ask him what : makes you read an old paper ,sir ..
And listen to his answer  ..
Don't make fool of yourself by not thinking again ..

What about a little child playing around ..
Sit away and watch him dreaming ..
Watch him flying in his own airplane ..
Watch him moving armies ..
Listening to the heart of his teddy bear ...
Don't even think to force him  stop dreaming ..
I know he looks small ..
But with time he might be the one he dreams to be ..

Everything begins small ..
And hard working makes it bigger ..
Everything starts as an idea no one knows about it ..
But with time it become bigger and bigger ..
Think about small things how to make them bigger ..
Because this is creativity ..
This is what is called invention ..
Many things are like icebergs ..
What you can see don't reflect the real thing ..
Don't underestimate smaller things ..
And remember that tree in your backyard ..
Was a small seed one day ..

By: Osama Aljarrah 29/3/2014

Saturday, 8 March 2014

Poem ;"Embrace Of Music "

Embrace Of Music

It is a matter how your body feels when it been touched by the waves ..
And how you react when you are surrounded by Music ..
Can it reach the core ..
Or can it open the safe inside ..
A safe which you always hold between the ribs ..
You can't remember what inside ..
Cause it has been along time since the last time you look in it ..
You suspect to have it again ..
The strong feelings and more nostalgia ..

Are you afraid ?!  ..
You shouldn't be ..
You know well that you can tolerate more than that ..
You once faced it, and here it repeats itself again ..
Embrace the music ..
let it helps you ..
Explore together what is that feeling ..
Maybe just a summer breeze  ..
Or maybe it is snow again ..
Let the music be your spaceship ..
Take your beloved ones ..
And travel beyond the stars ..
Watch the earth beaning smaller and smaller ..
Just leave there what annoys you ..
You can't take the trip without much music ..
Without madness ..
Without feeling the warmth of the hands touching your face ..
Without a nice word makes you forget about everything else ..
It is the magic of expressing yourself ..
Whatever the way ..
You are taking the trip ..
So feel joy in every detail ..
Feel how much love in Embracing of music   ..

** This work is dedicated to the talented painter Veronica Valere whom I appreciate her paints very much, special thanks for her for allowing me to share this nice photo of her and her paint "Embrace Of Music " ..This is her page on facebook { }**

By:Osama Aljarrah 8/3/2014

Saturday, 18 January 2014



Violin And a Piano ..
Just complete the Rhyme with me  ..
In a way no one can distinguish .. each sound
Just notes on the line what they can see..
And we complete the song inside ..
Be my complement ..
Just be yourself ..
And let the notes dance on the lines below ..
See them sway with the sounds ..
Forget the Audience ..
Merge with me ..
I wont say that our song will ever finish ..
There is no the end at last ..
We will continue ..
Are you taking the train with me ?
Cause I hear it coming from far away ..
I can see the smoke there ..
Our station will be after we just pass the mountain and the lake ..
The mountain of labor ..
And the lake of love ..
I know that you have doubts ..
But .. They will vanish by the end of the day
Stay calm .. and get up ..
The whistles are announcing the beginning of the trip ..
I wish us a good luck indeed ..

By : Osama Al Jarrah 18/1/2014

Monday, 6 January 2014

Poem :" Shouldn't Be Sad "

Shouldn't be sad

You spent nights drown in sadness ..
Just a dreamless night ..
Think about things you faced ..
Lost between the questions and the possible answers ..
Your destiny has just let you down ..
You find yourself alone ..
Even sleep ..

Now .. Look back ..
And realize that it couldn't be better ..
Allah has a better plan for you ..
Your tears change to a smile ..
So if you loose the map ..
And you take a different road ..
That is for a reason ..
Believe me .. IF you see your future you will choose your present ..
It is a fact ..

So charge your faith ..
look around and always thank Allah ..
You will realize the truth of what you see someday ..
Change it to a smile ..
And have this in mind ..
And live with this everyday of your life ..
You can't expect Allah's ways ..

You are sick of taking turns ..
But you finally reach your destination ..
That signs were right ..
You can't Open the door ..
It is closed ..
Don't push hard ..
Cause it is not the door you meant to go through ..

Osama ALjararha 6th of Jan. 2014