Saturday, 29 March 2014

Poem: " It Looks Small "

It Looks Small

When you look at a mountain from a plan ..
It looks small ..
But when you get down there ..
You will see the real thing what looks like ..
It needs days to reach the summit ..
When you see a man sitting on his chair ..
Turning the pages of an old paper ..
Don't think that he is fool ..
Or he is trying to loose time ..
Don't be judgmental till you get there ..
Ask him what : makes you read an old paper ,sir ..
And listen to his answer  ..
Don't make fool of yourself by not thinking again ..

What about a little child playing around ..
Sit away and watch him dreaming ..
Watch him flying in his own airplane ..
Watch him moving armies ..
Listening to the heart of his teddy bear ...
Don't even think to force him  stop dreaming ..
I know he looks small ..
But with time he might be the one he dreams to be ..

Everything begins small ..
And hard working makes it bigger ..
Everything starts as an idea no one knows about it ..
But with time it become bigger and bigger ..
Think about small things how to make them bigger ..
Because this is creativity ..
This is what is called invention ..
Many things are like icebergs ..
What you can see don't reflect the real thing ..
Don't underestimate smaller things ..
And remember that tree in your backyard ..
Was a small seed one day ..

By: Osama Aljarrah 29/3/2014

1 comment:

  1. You are so wise!!!! And you are the tree in the backyard. Your seed started small and here you are, ready to show your fruits to the world. Fruits that have been producing wisdom, kindness, love, patience, perseverance, endurance, and so on. Your poem reflects your life's story!


Please .. send me your feedback .. I respect your opinion , it gives me hints to improve my skills .. Thank you all .. Love & Respect ..